1. 観光客の皆様に大切にしていただきたいこと ・問題 地域に配慮した観光をする上で、観光客が大切にすべき行動はどれでしょうか? ・選択肢 ①【正解】地域に与える影響を考え、住民を思いやった行動をとる ②自分自身が楽しむことを最優先する。 ③お金を払って必要なサービスを受ける。 ・解説 京都の観光地は、住民が生活している場所に近接していることが多く、観光客の行動が市民生活に影響を与えてしまうことがあります。 京都観光の際は、「大声で話さない」「道に広がって歩かない」「混雑を避けて観光する」など地域の人々の暮らしに配慮して観光を楽しみましょう!
2. 京都の特別な事情 ・問題 京都市の一部コンビニエンスストアやファーストフード店は、他地域と比べて違うところがあります。それは何でしょうか。 ・選択肢 ①営業時間 ②言葉づかい ③【正解】看板 ・解説 京都市の一部コンビニエンスストアは、他の都道府県と比較して看板など外観の色が異なることが多いです。 その理由は、京都の伝統的な景観を守るために、色彩やデザインが条例で規制されているためです。
3. 私道立ち入り禁止エリア ・問題 舞妓パパラッチ”と呼ばれる舞妓さんへのつきまといや、道いっぱいに広がっての撮影などの迷惑行為を防止するため、私道への立ち入りや無断撮影が禁止されている地域はどこ? ・選択肢 ①【正解】祇園の花見小路 ②先斗町 ③二寧坂(清水寺の参道) ・解説 京都の文化と伝統を守りつつ、地元住民や舞妓さんの生活を尊重するためにつきまといなどの迷惑行為はやめましょう。 また、舞妓さんとの写真撮影はギオンコーナーや花街芸術資料館で出来ます。
4. 混んでいる日時はいつ? ・問題 これは2024年3月の観光快適度マップの画像です。3月30日(土)の「花見小路」周辺は、どの時間帯であれば、混雑を避けた観光ができそうでしょうか? ・選択肢 ①8:00-9:00 ②13:00-14:00 ③15:00-16:00 ・解説 混雑を回避し、安心・安全・快適に京都観光を楽しんでいただけるよう、約2ヶ月先まで時間帯別に観光快適度を予測しています。さらに、市内10箇所の観光地においてライブカメラの配信も行っております。また、有名観光地を混雑のストレスなく堪能いただくために、京都市では朝観光・夜観光をおススメしています。少し時間帯をずらすだけで普段の京都を体感できます。
5. 京町家特有の秘密 ・問題 花見小路周辺などで見られる京町家のこれは何を目的として作られているでしょうか ・選択肢 ①座るため ②ゴミ箱 ③【正解】泥よけ ・解説 これは家屋を泥はねから守ったり、通行人が家に近づくことを防ぐ防犯効果もあります。また、町家の美しさを引き立てるデザインの一部となっています。 京都の町家には、実際に住んでいる人がいるため、彼らの生活 の妨げにならないよう敷地への侵入や、無断で写真撮影はやめましょう
6. 竹林の小径はどれ? ・問題 多くの観光客が訪れることが有名な嵯峨・嵐山地域にある「竹林の小径」の写真は、次のうちどれでしょうか? ・選択肢 ①【正解】A ②B ③C ・解説 Bは向日市の「竹の径」、Cは化野念仏寺です。京都には主要観光地以外にもとっておきの観光スポットがたくさんあります。
7. 市バスにおける観光問題 ・問題 京都の市バスにおいて、昨今問題となっていることは次のうち、どれでしょうか。 ・選択肢 ①A(優先座席を譲らない人が多い) ②【正解】B(大型スーツケース持ち込み) ③C(排気ガス) ・解説 京都では、手荷物預かりや配送サービスが充実しています。大型手荷物のバス持ち込みは混雑を招くため、避けましょう。快適な「手ぶら観光」を利用し、公共交通をスムーズに使いましょう。また、京都では、市バスと地下鉄を組み合わせた移動が便利です。
8. 観光地のごみ箱が少ない 理由 ・問題 京都市は、国内他都市と比べると多くのごみ箱を観光地周辺に設置するようにしていますが、やむをえない事情があって設置数を減らすことがあります。その理由として妥当でないものを選んでください。 ・選択肢 ①一杯のゴミ箱に無理やりゴミを入れる人がいるから。 ②家庭ごみや事業者ごみが捨てられるから。 ③【正解】デザインが景観にそぐわないから ・解説 妥当でない選択肢を回答する問題でした。家庭ごみや事業ごみの不法投棄などにより、ごみがあふれるなどの問題が生じたごみ箱は、地域からの要望等を踏まえ、撤去しています。 京都市では、基本的にはごみは持ち帰るようお願いしており、旅行中のごみは、買ったお店で捨てる、宿泊施設まで持ち帰るなど、京都のまちの美化にご協力ください。
9. 災害時の避難場所 ・問題 京都観光中に大きな地震などの災害が起きた場合、まずはどこに向かえばよいでしょうか。 ・選択肢 ①市役所・区役所 ②最寄り駅(京都駅など) ③【正解】公園や、寺院・神社などの緊急避難広場 ・解説 災害発生時、一斉に駅に向かうと危険なので、身の安全を確保したうえで、まずは緊急避難広場に避難しましょう。 緊急避難広場は、清水寺、天龍寺、二条城など、市内に約50施設あり、災害発生時は、被害状況や鉄道の運行状況などの情報をお知らせしています。
10. 鳥居をくぐる際のマナー ・問題 京都によくある神社の鳥居をくぐる時に、気をつけることは何でしょうか。 ・選択肢 ①喋らない ②【正解】中央を歩かない ③靴を履いて歩かない ・解説 鳥居の中央は神様の通り道と言われているため、鳥居をくぐる時は左右の端を歩くようにしましょう。 また、寺社仏閣は聖なる場所なので、大きな声でのおしゃべりは控えましょう。
For Foreigners
1. Things to keep in mind for everyone who visits Kyoto ・Question Which of the following behaviors should tourists adopt to be considerate of local communities? ・Choices ①【Correct】Be conscious of the impacts of their activities and behave considerately towards local residents ②Make their own enjoyment a top priority ③Pay money to receive necessary services ・Explanation Tourist attractions in Kyoto are often located in close proximity to the homes of local residents, and the behavior of tourists can affect their lives. When sightseeing in Kyoto, please be considerate of the lives of local residents by not talking loudly, not walking spread out over the street, and avoiding congested times and places.
2. Special Circumstances in Kyoto ・Question In Kyoto City, some convenience stores and fast food restaurants differ from those in other regions. What is the difference? ・Choices ①Operating hours ②Regional dialect ③【Correct】Signage ・Explanation In Kyoto City, some convenience stores have differently colored signs/logos and exterior designs, compared to other prefectures. To preserve Kyoto's traditional landscape, the colors and designs are regulated by ordinance.
3. No-entry areas to private roads ・Question In which district is it prohibited to enter private alleys and take pictures without permission in order to prevent nuisance behavior such as and taking photos while blocking the road? ・Choices ①【Correct】Hanamikoji in Gion district ②Pontocho ③Ninenzaka ・Explanation Do not engage in nuisance behaviors, such as chasing and snapping maiko. Be sure to respect the lives of maiko and local residents while preserving the culture and traditions of Kyoto. You can have your photo taken with a maiko at the Gion Corner or the Gion Kagai Art Museum.
4. When are the busiest dates? ・Question This image shows the Sightseeing Comfort Map for March 2024. What time of day would be best for sightseeing around Hanamikoji on Saturday, March 30, to avoid congestion? ・Choices ①8:00-9:00 ②13:00-14:00 ③15:00-16:00 ・Explanation To allow tourists to avoid congestion and enjoy sightseeing in Kyoto in a safe, secure and comfortable manner, we forecast comfort levels around popular spots by time period during each day, up to approximately two months in advance. Live camera feeds from 10 popular sightseeing spots in the city are also available. Kyoto City recommends morning and evening sightseeing in order to enjoy famous sightseeing spots without the stress of congestion. By slightly shifting the time period of your visit, you can experience Kyoto as it normally is.
5. Secrets unique to traditional Kyoto townhouses ・Question Around the Hanamikoji area, you can see this structure in front of traditional Kyoto townhouses. What is its purpose? ・Choices ①To sit on ②Trash disposal ③【Correct】Mud protection ・Explanation This fence protects the house from mud splashing. In addition, it protects the house from passers-by (security function). As part of a Kyo-machiya, it also enhances the beautiful architectural design of the house. Kyo-machiya are actually people's homes, so please do not enter their premises nor take photos without permission. Do not disturb residents' lives.
6. Which is the bamboo grove path? ・Question Which of the following is the bamboo grove path, a famous tourist spot attracting many visitors located in the Saga and Arashiyama area? ・Choices ①A ②B ③C ・Explanation B is ""Take-no-michi"" (bamboo path) in Muko City and C is Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple. In addition to the main ""must-see"" sightseeing spots, there are many other sightseeing spots well worth visiting in Kyoto.
7. Tourism issues in city buses ・Question Which of the following has become an issue affecting city bus services in Kyoto recently? ・Choices ①A (Many people not giving up priority seats to those in need) ②B (Tourists bringing large suitcases into buses) ③C (Exhaust fumes) ・Explanation In Kyoto, a wide range of luggage storage and delivery services are available. To avoid overcrowding, please do not bring large items of luggage onto buses. Take advantage of luggage services to enjoy ""hands-free sightseeing"" and smooth use of public transportation. Kyoto has an excellent public transport network. Combining the city bus and subway services is the most convenient way to get around in Kyoto.
8. Why are there so few trash cans in tourist areas? ・Question Kyoto City aims to install more trash cans around tourist attractions than other cities in Japan, but sometimes has to reduce the number of trash cans due to unavoidable circumstances. Please select the most unlikely reason from the following scenarios. ・Choices ①Because some people try to cram trash into already overflowing cans ②Because some people throw household waste or business waste into trash cans ③【Correct】Because the design does not match the landscape ・Explanation In Kyoto City, trash cans that often overflow with trash thrown away by tourists and/or illegally dumped household or business waste are removed in response to requests from local residents. The City basically asks tourists to take their trash back to their accommodation. Please help to keep Kyoto's streets clean by disposing of trash at the shop where you bought products or taking your trash back to your accommodation during your trip.
9. Evacuation site in case of disaster ・Question If a major earthquake or other disaster occurs while sightseeing in Kyoto, where should you go? ・Choices ①To the City hall / ward offices ②To the nearest station ③【Correct】To an emergency evacuation site such as a park, temple or shrine ・Explanation In the event of a disaster, it is dangerous if many people head for the nearest station all at once, so after securing your personal safety, go directly to an evacuation site. About 50 evacuation sites are designated in the city, including Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Tenryu-ji Temple, and Nijo-jo Castle. If a disaster occurs, be sure to check information such as damage conditions and train service status.
10. Manners when passing through the ""Torii"" at shrines ・Question There are many shrines in Kyoto. How should you behave when passing through a ""Torii"", traditional Japanese gate found at shrines, symbolizing the entrance to a sacred space ? ・Choices ①Refrain from speaking ②【Correct】Avoid passing through the exact center of the ""Torii"" ③Take off your shoes ・Explanation It is said that the line through the center of the torii gate is the path of the gods, so when passing through the gate, you should walk on the left or right side of the path. Also, since temples and shrines are sacred places, please do not talk loudly.
If you answer all the questions correctly in the quiz, you will definitely enjoy your visit to Kyoto more!
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For those who want to know more about Kyoto
Please check the following websites that provide valuable information on Kyoto.
4. 混んでいる日時はいつ?

①【正解】8:00-9:00 ②13:00-14:00 ③15:00-16:00
4. When are the busiest dates?
This image shows the Sightseeing Comfort Map for March 2024. What time of day would be best for sightseeing around Hanamikoji on Saturday, March 30, to avoid congestion ?

①【Correct】8:00-9:00 ②13:00-14:00 ③15:00-16:00
To allow tourists to avoid congestion and enjoy sightseeing in Kyoto in a safe, secure and comfortable manner, we forecast comfort levels around popular spots by time period during each day, up to approximately two months in advance.
Live camera feeds from 10 popular sightseeing spots in the city are also available. Kyoto City recommends morning and evening sightseeing in order to enjoy famous sightseeing spots without the stress of congestion. By slightly shifting the time period of your visit, you can experience Kyoto as it normally is.
5. Secrets unique to traditional Kyoto townhouses
Around the Hanamikoji area, you can see this structure in front of traditional Kyoto townhouses. What is its purpose?

①To sit on ②Trash disposal ③【Correct】Mud protection
This fence protects the house from mud splashing. In addition, it protects the house from passers-by (security function).
As part of a Kyo-machiya, it also enhances the beautiful architectural design of the house. Kyo-machiya are actually people's homes, so please do not enter their premises nor take photos without permission.
Do not disturb residents' lives.
6. Which is the bamboo grove path?
Which of the following is the bamboo grove path, a famous tourist spot attracting many visitors located in the Saga and Arashiyama area?

①【Correct】A ②B ③C
B is "Take-no-michi" (bamboo path) in Muko City and C is Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple. In addition to the main "must-see" sightseeing spots, there are many other sightseeing spots well worth visiting in Kyoto.
7. Tourism issues in city buses
Which of the following has become an issue affecting city bus services in Kyoto recently?

①A (Many people not giving up priority seats to those in need)
②【Correct】B (Tourists bringing large suitcases into buses)
③C (Exhaust fumes)
In Kyoto, a wide range of luggage storage and delivery services are available. To avoid overcrowding, please do not bring large items of luggage onto buses. Take advantage of luggage services to enjoy "hands-free sightseeing" and smooth use of public transportation. Kyoto has an excellent public transport network. Combining the city bus and subway services is the most convenient way to get around in Kyoto.